Thursday, April 07, 2011


So many topics to process today, I am not even sure how to start!

I think over all, each topic kind of relates in terms of one main hope I have.
I hope we can finally get to the meat of our pursuits!

More reading on the system of charity and I cannot help but wonder, will we ever be able to incentivize employees and minimize corruption enough to actually eradicate hunger, homelessness, poverty, and at least the already curable diseases?
This book is all about how the system of charity is ineffective and how they should have the same system as for-profits in order to gain the results we all seem to want- resolved world issues.
That is what we want, is it not?
Or do we support causes for the sake of comforting our own conscience?
If a charity never closes its doors as a result of meeting the need, we probably would not notice, would we?

Oooooh, I promise I am not making any accusations!!
Simply thinking aloud...
So I am going to take that thought further...
If we really, truly, passionately cared about resolving an issue in the world, would our resolve be to donate money or would it look like some way else?

I know an Indian woman residing in the U.S. when she learned about the sex trafficking industry. One day, she told her husband, "I'm moving back to India and helping these girls!" At first he sort of laughed it off. Until he realized she would go whether he came with her or not! Fortunately he could continue his career from India so now there they are... running a safe house in one of the nations where human trafficking is most vibrant.

I like to think I write rather bravely... perhaps preparing my mind is moving me forward toward better action.
What I am trying to say is- I am preaching to myself.

That was another thought process today- I, ME, MYSELF.
Writing a blog everyday makes me feel overwhelmed with how many times a day, or per post, I use the word "I" or any first person possessive pronouns scattered into the paragraphs. This thought was totally drilled in deeper today when I listened to a podcast by Andy Stanley called "Balanced: Developing a Plan."

This sermon brought me back to conversations about stewardship I had with friends recently. Along with it, Luke 16:10-12,

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?"

Again, one of those passages I wish we did not edit out so often! I am sure we have all heard the first thirteen words at some point. But the last half of that sentence really drives home the point! And I do not know why Sunday school teachers and parents omit from teaching verse 12 to their children because SHOOT, that verse is so striking for a son or daughter whether they have left the nest or not!

At one point Andy Stanley said something like this: "God's saying the battle isn't even between Him and Satan! Your servitude is either to God or Money!

If I am unable to manage the responsibility of tangible things, I am not yet fit to pour my life into being a leader of Kingdom responsibilities.

Which leads me to the third big thought of the day... the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Another sermon listened to today... and I am still trying to digest it.
But it was interesting and definitely worth listening to again for further ponderation.
He made so many good statements I am not sure how to narrow it...

"We do not worship Paul, but Jesus....
Always study scripture in context. What is context? Pre-text, post-text, and text...
Jesus didn't go around preaching Himself! Jesus is not the Gospel! The Kingdom is the Gospel..."

He totally took an ax to the base of the Christian "system" without moving away from scripture or manipulating it to reach his angle.
Needless to say, it is transforming the way I believe what I believe and how I will go about preaching it.

PHEW! Blogging is good for a brain's digestive system.
Ew, I just realized how gross that metaphor is.
Haha, whatever.

Final note- here is the cause I came across today. I am not well researched on the issues of Congo, but this was an interesting introduction and here is a song related to the same cause:

Thanks for reading!

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